Kill two birds with one stone?
“A study of US labor data suggests AI is already taking 'thinking economy' jobs from humans, and this trend will grow in the future. This will push more people into 'feeling economy' jobs that require things like interpersonal relationship skills and emotional intelligence. … Things like interpersonal relationships and emotional intelligence will be much more important. … What we're expecting is 'people-people' will be the ones who will be the big successes," says Roland Rust, a co-author of a significant new journal piece on adjusting to artificial intelligence. "This is different from how it is right now and how people assume it's going to be in the future."
Ming-Hui Huang, Roland Rust, Vojislav Maksimovic: The Feeling Economy: Managing in the Next Generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI); in California Management Review, Vol. 61, No. 4, October, 2019. DOI: 10.1177/0008125619863436 (See this also.)
Wanna learn how to feel? There are lots of ways now that effective psychotherapy has gone "mindful" and "interoceptive." One of them -- Patricia Ogden's polyvagal-theory-based Sensorimotor Processing for Trauma -- is spelled out right here.
I have been doing this for six years, and doors have opened right and left.
(Other feel-your-way-to-recovery psychotherapies include those listed in sections 7b and 7c of this reddit post.)
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