See Dr. Weber's 35-minute presentation at this location.
Weber is the author of Happiness Beyond Thought: A Practical Guide to Awakening and Evolving Beyond Thought: Updating Your Brain's Software.
I am not Dr. Weber, nor am I any particular devotee of his conceptual framework. BUT... I do understand all the components of his mental schematic and view them as having been helpful in my own recovery from severe anxiety and depression, as well as in my continuing management of the conditioning, in-doctrine-ation, instruction, grooming, imprinting, socialization, programming, habituation and normalization of neural networks of cognition -- very much including the default mode network -- in the human brain.
I utilize the totally portable and instantaneously available 10 StEPs component of Choiceless Awareness for Emotion Processing to monitor and willfully disengage and detach from the activity of my own default mode network... but there are all manner of "mindfulness"-based methods for so doing, including Vipassana insight meditation, which is IMO the fundamental skill set for all self-awareness-based psychotherapeutic systems.
(I am also familiar with Ramana Maharshi's methods, as mentioned by Dr. Weber. See Maharshi, as well as Batchelor, Brach, Chodron, Deikman, de Mello, Epstein, Hart on Goenka, Kelly, Klein, Krishnamurti, Somov, Tart, Tolle, Trungpa, Watts and Wright in A Meditation Book List.)
Enjoy the video. And if intrigued, may I suggest a look at Pankaj Mishra's An End to Suffering.