Before we go any further, one must understand what "ultra-repressive" dissociation and displaced aggression are.
If you've got those down, we can move on:
The example of "Five Fold Prophet" Wanda Alger popped up on a Reddit sub a bit ago. In response, I opined that...
"Wanda may or may not be a True Believer; IDK4S, OC. But if she isn't, she is one of the most cynically sociopathic leveragers of The Manipulation of Fear by the Pseudo-Christian Cults I have yet encountered.
"She is no better -- and actually far worse (and more dangerous), in my opinion -- than many of those who physically led the charge up the Capital steps almost a year ago. A righteous fool profiting from Let's you & them fight! in the best tradition of the irresponsible 'rabble rousers' in Hoffer's book who wouldn't be caught dead in the actual front lines of The Revolution.
"Paranoid-Delusional Disorder is sooooooo common among the Prisoners of Hate including those described at the links below:
"Actually, several other clinicians I know who deal with Religious Trauma Syndrome patients agree that the fundievangelical churches appear to be full of untreated victims who are displacing their rage in exactly the manner described in the OP's post and my direct reply to them."
To which I will add the following here:
What we're looking at in fundievangelical echo chambers of Groupthink, Social Proof, Implicit Social Contract & Unquestioning Acceptance of Authority may be nothing less than large numbers of people who were discounted, disclaimed, and rejected, as well as belittled, invalidated, confused, betrayed, insulted, criticized, judged, blamed, shamed, ridiculed, embarrassed, humiliated, denigrated, derogated, scorned, set up to screw up, victimized, demonized, persecuted, guilt-tripped, picked on, vilified, dumped on, bullied, gaslit..., scapegoated..., emotionally blackmailed, sexually defiled and/or otherwise abused by -- but stuck in psychologically enmeshed, codependent attachment to -- the righteous, fundievangelical parents upon whom they depended for survival in the first few years of life.
And they are usually either stuck in the mud of Learned Helplessness, Dread & the Victim Identity. OR... they are mad as wet hens, but owing to years or even decades of conditioning, in-doctrine-ation, instruction, imprinting, socialization, programming, habituation and normalization to "honor they father and mother in an isolated, ultra-authoritarian environment that does NOT allow any diversion therefrom, they have done what small children learn to do to protect their innocent minds from being (damned if do and damned if you don't) double-bound by the intolerable terror of knowing They Really Don't Matter:
They have learned how to...
a) dissociate from reality in the service of Not Going Completely Crazy,
b) displace their unrecognized, unacknowledged, unaccepted, unowned and unappreciated RAGE onto others, and
c) seek parental and peer approval in the congregation by so doing...
effectively keeping these people stuck forever in the second of Kubler-Ross's five stages of grief processing. See...
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